Press Room
New York Times: Google Thinks I’m Dead
Journalist Rachel Abrams recently interviewed ReputationDefender CEO Rich Matta about how to handle an issue with her her Google Knowledge Graph, which incorrectly tagged her as deceased. In the article, Matta provides advice on how to resolve the issue and what additional tips she can take to protect her identity online. Read the full article >>
Forbes: Executive Personal Information: The Latest Tool In Corporate Cyberattacks
ReputationDefender CEO Rich Matta recently published this featured article on Forbes, explaining some of the many ways that hackers use personal information to attack corporations.
HuffPost: How Negative Publicity (Shaming) Can Impact Your Company and More
Check out this overview of Sue Scheff’s new book on the impacts of negative publicity on businesses, in which she quotes ReputationDefender CEO Rich Matta on the growing sophistication of online reputation attacks.
USA Today: When social media speaks, Hollywood listens … and acts
In this USA Today article, ReputationDefender CEO Rich Matta is interviewed on the power that social media gives to fans. The article touches on the performers who accepted or declined to participate in the presidential inauguration, as well as advertising campaigns and TV series that were either revised or canceled due to social media backlash. Read more here >>
Business Insider: 4 steps to take if you want to get poached, according to a recruiter
In this list of tips on how to make yourself attractive to job recruiters, Business Insider talks about the importance of a clean, professional online reputation and recommends ReputationDefender for those who need a touch up. Read the article >>
The Guardian: Why did Donald Trump take down his wife’s website?
The Guardian’s Dan Tynan discusses the sudden disappearance of Melania Trump’s website in the midst of her husband’s presidential bid. In the piece, Tynan asks ReputationDefender CEO Rich Matta what can be done by a public figure like Donald Trump to manage his online reputation. Read the article >>
Inc: The Right (and Wrong) Way to Use Google to Protect Your Reputation
Inc.’s Tess Townsend interviews ReputationDefender CEO Rich Matta about the right way to Google yourself to check up on your online reputation. Read the article >>
Aacabo: How to Protect Your Business’s Online Reputation
Dan Tynan from Aabaco shares the horrifying story of a woman whose reputation and husband’s business were defamed by the owners of a naturopathic website due to a billing dispute. Based on an interview with ReputationDefender CEO Rich Matta, Tynan explains what steps can be done to protect a small business’s reputation in this type of situation. Read the article >>
GQ: Meet The Tech Company That Can Re-Create Your Online Identity
In this interview with GQ, ReputationDefender CEO Rich Matta talks about the importance of online reputation management and what individuals and businesses can do to improve their image on the Web. Read the article >>
Fusion: Police ruined this man’s online reputation, and there’s nothing he can do about it
In this article about a man falsely accused and maliciously targeted by Philadelphia police, ReputationDefender CEO Rich Matta talks about the EU “right to be forgotten” as well as what it takes to fight incorrect online perceptions in the US. Read the article >>