No matter the situation, we have your solution.
Search results, digital privacy and more.

Control your search results
Are problematic search results appearing for your name or your business name? We can help you change that.
Push Down the Bad
Suppress incorrect, embarrassing, malicious, or outdated search results so that people don’t find them.
Push Up the Good
Promote high-quality, positive search results that reflect well on you.
Build Resilience for Tomorrow
Strengthen your search results so that they can withstand future threats.
Create a Positive First Impression
Control what people find when they search for you or your business online.
Are problematic search results appearing for your name or your business name? We can help change that.
Push Down the Bad
Suppress incorrect, embarrassing, malicious, or outdated search results so that people don’t find them.
Push Up the Good
Promote high-quality, positive search results that reflect well on you.
Build Resilience for Tomorrow
Strengthen your search results so that they can withstand future threats.
Create a Positive First Impression
Control what people find when they search for you or your business online.
88% of searchers don’t click on results past page 1.
– Sistrix (2020)
Protect your family’s privacy
People-search sites sell sensitive personal information about you and your family to anyone who asks for it. We can stop them.
Hide Sensitive Information
Prevent sensitive information such as family names, address history, and phone numbers from being sold online.
Automatic Removals Across All Sites
Automatically have your personal information removed from the vast majority of people-search sites.
Regular Scans to Ensure Privacy
Ongoing scans to make sure these sites don’t re-add your information later.
Reporting on Privacy Threats
Regular privacy reporting to keep you aware of any vulnerabilities.
People-search sites sell sensitive personal information about you and your family to anyone who asks for it. We can stop them.
Hide sensitive information
Prevent sensitive information such as children’s names, address history, and phone numbers from being sold online.
Automatic removals across all sites
Automatically have your personal information removed from the vast majority of people-search sites.
Regular scans to ensure privacy
Ongoing scans to make sure these sites don’t re-add your information later.
Reporting on privacy threats
Regular privacy reporting to keep you aware of any vulnerabilities.
National Fraud Database figures showed an 11% increase in identity fraud in the first six months of 2021.
– Cifcas (2020)
Solutions for executives and corporations
Corporate Cybersecurity

Protect your company against social engineering cyberattacks
Safeguard Against Spearphishing
User behavior is the weakest link in most cybersecurity defences. We fill that gap by making it harder for social engineers to spearphish your key personnel.
Remove Sensitive Online Information
Automatically scrub personal information from people-search sites that could be used for spearphishing or to guess security questions.
Reduce Availability of Geographical Information
Make it harder for people with malicious intent to find the family members, addresses, and phone numbers of your staff and key personnel.
Reporting on Privacy Threats
Receive regular reporting on outstanding privacy threats that could be exploited by a social engineer.
VIP Services

High-touch solutions for brands, executives, and public figures
Custom Solutions
Our Special Projects team works exclusively on accounts that require customised approaches and a high degree of personalised attention.
Proprietary Technology
Powerful, proprietary technologies that can influence highly competitive search results.
Extended Capabilities
Control over search suggestions, autocomplete results, and image and video results.
Deep Web Privacy Protection
Deep-dive privacy protection, including custom removal requests and social media scanning.
Custom Content
Custom content creation designed to complement your existing online brand.
Two out of three organizations saw targeted phishing attempts in 2020.
– Proofpoint (2021)
Questions or concerns?
Talk to one of our specialists today to get personalized advice. Confidential, free, and without obligation.
Call 0800 131 0700 or