
Legal Information

Legal Terms Governing the Purchase of Products and Services

ReputationDefender Trademarks and Copyrights

  • All content on our website is copyrighted and owned by NortonLifeLock Inc. and NortonLifeLock Ireland Limited (“we” or the “Company”) or licensed to us by our registered users and other licensees. You may not copy or use any part of our site without express written permission.
  • All of the software products and services and supporting product materials are copyrighted and may not be copied, used, modified, or reversed engineered without express written permission.
  • Our registered trademarks, which include the names MyPrivacy®, ReputationDefender®, and Defender® may not be used in any way or for any purpose without our express written permission. Other ReputationDefender trademarks include PrivacyPro, ReputationPro, ExecutivePrivacy and ExecutivePrivacy Pro.

Patent Information

Features and services within ReputationDefender products and services may be the subject matter of pending and issued patents owned by or licensed to ReputationDefender. For more information, please see our Patents page. Email inquiries should be directed to legal.department@gendigital.com.

Data Security and Privacy

We take seriously our responsibility to keep secure the information that our customers entrust to us, whether that is our customers’ personally identifiable information or information provided to us by our customers about their own customers, clients and patients. To protect this confidential information, we use industry standard safeguards to protect confidential information stored on our systems.

For more information, see:

Website Terms of Use